Amanda Johnson’s Journey

“Six years ago, the idea of becoming an author changed the course of my life forever. I’d just finished lunch with one of my mentors, and was chatting about her new book when she challenged me, “You should write a book, too, Amanda.” I laughed out loud, first because the thought had never entered my mind, and second because she had unknowingly struck a HUGE, painful nerve…and laughing seemed better than crying.
“I have the skills to write a book, but what would I say? And who would listen to this 27 year old who, underneath the apparent success and practiced smile, is actually pretty lost?” I thought to myself.
My mentor, friends, and family all thought I was on the fast-track to success, but I knew the truth. On the inside, I was losing everything and telling no one. My marriage was on the rocks, my dream career kept vanishing before my eyes, and I was broke. Under that plastic smile and laughter, I was a depressed young woman, disconnected from my purpose, struggling to make ends meet, wondering what had happened to my “happily-ever-after,” and feeling ashamed of my small, broken life. Somewhere inside, I still knew I was meant for more.
Trying to keep my composure over my racing heart, I joked, “Maybe I’ll write a book and you can put your name, many degrees, and amazing accomplishments on there.”
She didn’t budge. “Amanda, you have something of value to give to the world now. What is it?”
“I don’t know!” I cried on the inside. “I feel broken. Everything in my life is still a mess – my marriage, relationships, finances…all of it.”
I don’t remember any of our goodbye. All I remember is turning and running toward my car.
I started crying the minute I got in, trying to release some of the pain in my chest. “What value do I have to give to the world?” I asked myself the question over and over, and then something happened. By the time I pulled into my driveway 45 minutes later, I had uncovered the message that had always been bubbling inside me, I had mentally outlined a series of books, and I knew exactly who I needed to partner with to help me get the word out…
Everyone laughed when I told them I was going to attract a teacher from the movie The Secret, except one.
Three months later, almost to the day, a Secret Teacher walked into a Sizzler behind me…
The rest of the story is too long to share here, but here are the highlights:
• I went to the workshop the following week, where I realized ALL of the reasons she was the Secret Teacher that had been placed on my path.
• I was accepted into her train-the-trainer program, and in the process of learning how to create a space for others to heal, I experienced the healing and transformation I needed to share my message powerfully. (By the way, this took 2 more years than it was supposed to, but I wouldn’t trade any of that Upside-Down time for the world now.)
• After my certification, I found myself at another crossroad. I had gotten caught up in someone else’s dream, and when the market crashed, I was faced with the question: Do I dare to dream again and take action on the inspiration to create True to Intention, or do I let the dream go? (I share this story in Upside-Down Mommy.)
• Only three years after I dared to dream, I could hardly recognize my life and my business. I thought I was just going to help people write books, but I’d come to realize there was more to it than that. I was witnessing love story after love story and passionately helping my clients see how Love has been fighting for them all along.
Not only was I helping messagepreneurs do the inner work and healing they need to do to write their books, share their message from the stage, and develop workshops, I had gathered a beautiful team of people to produce, publish, and launch the books and the new brands they represented.
I was putting on huge transformational events to showcase them, and True to Intention was growing almost without any effort.
And then I finally wrote my book. It took me 3 weeks to write (well, if you don’t count the 6 years of healing that preceded it) and less than 2 months to publish and launch as a #1 Amazon Bestseller. And I didn’t have to compromise anything — my health, my family, or my soul.
It was magic…
The campaign ended with an amazing 3-day transformational retreat celebration that utterly blew my mind.
And then it was back to Upside-Down…which, in my Butterfly Approach/Philosophy, is the natural next step after activity and magic. It’s a time when we get to face all of the lies — you know, the ones that tell us that we can’t do the next thing we want to do, that we have no value, that what we care about doesn’t matter to God or anyone else…
I spent 3 years rewriting my own stories from lies to love again, launched a new brand called Upside-Down Amanda, and then realized that I needed more of my own Upside-Down Medicine: To follow the painful clues that were trying to lead me to my Truth…and to massive changes in my personal life and the way I show up in my business.
It’s funny…
Sometimes I wonder if this whole “write a book and change the world journey” was just Love saying, “I choose you. Choose Me.”
I choose Love.”