Free Will, Free Love

“Free Will, Free Love”
It happened, as it often does, on a star lit night when the Heavens and the Earth were in perfect alignment. They spoke the quiet talk of love, tinged, as love talk often is, with a bit of awe and a bit of sadness. Their words were, as words often are at moments like this, of sweet sorrow.
“It is time.”
“No. No. Please don’t send me away. Please don’t make me go.”
“Ah, my precious one, the time has come.”
“But I will miss You so much. And I will be so alone. I love You so much. I want to stay with You. And I want to stay here. It is so beautiful, so quiet, so safe.”
“Never. You will never be alone. I love you and I will never leave you. I will be with you wherever you go. Yes it is. But the truth is that it is too easy for you here. I have given you everything you need and want. It is time for you to go out on your own; to make your own way. Before I place you in the womb, I choose you. Before you are born, I consecrate you. You are going on a special mission.”
“Me? A special mission? What is it? Please tell me what I’m going to do.”
“You know that I cannot tell you. It is something you must find for yourself. But remember, you are not alone. And always, always know that I love you. My precious one, it is true and certain that when you leave here, you will forget much of what happens here. Yet, now and then, you will remember a smidgen of a shard for every once in a while, I will give you a glimpse of what you once knew and what, one day, you will know again. And I never forget. I remember you always.”
There was no doubt, more to say. But there was no more time. Their embrace was sweet, but swift. They began to move away from each other in departure’s delicate dance. Then, the Gates opened. Heaven and Earth met and gently kissed. And across the cosmos, the Voice was heard:
“You are a child of the universe. You are My child. I send you into the Void of Creation, so that you may come into Being.”
-Wayne Dosick, PH.D.