On deck… Alyssa Coelho

“On deck… Alyssa Coelho.”
I made my way to the left side of the stage while adrenaline sent my every heartbeat throbbing through my chest, vibrating my rib cage and choking my oh so dry throat. I looked down at the book in my hand to remind myself why I was here. My book… My 8 year journey of blood, sweat and tears that I was about to put on display for over 400 people and in one more month, the whole world.
CHOSEN… I reminded myself as my shaking fingertips traced the etched title. I was chosen for this journey like everyone else here is chosen for theirs.
“I got this,” I whispered to my pulsing nerves. This was my journey.
“I got this,” I whispered calmly to my scattered brain. This was the closing of one chapter and the opening of the next.
“I got this,” I whispered to my stilled heart.
This was Love – getting on stage and baring the nitty, gritty, raw story of my soul with others so that they might find strength, clarity, and hope.
This was Love – looking into the eyes of everyone in that audience to assure them that they are not alone.
This was Love – completing the walk after Love asked me to step through the doors one year ago.
“…introducing Alyssa Coelho, poet and author of her new book CHOSEN.” Two warm hands grabbed onto my shoulders and I looked up abruptly to see Love staring back at me through a stranger’s eyes.
“You got this!” Harmony whispered.
Photo Creds: Gregory Berg