Sweet Solitude

I can see your doors… the ones to your kingdom, your garden, your reservoir. I can see them closing, screeching, slamming to their final shut. I can feel your backbone collapsing in exhaustion from holding the weight of every fight upon your dainty little shoulders. I can hear your stomach churning, twisting in confusion and angst to send the final signal to your bodily systems to shut down. I can see your fingertips recoiling in refusal to give anymore because you’ve given, you’ve given, and you’ve given until you have no more to give.
I can see you. I can feel you. I can hear you.
And I beg you, as someone who has been emotionally, mentally, and physically beaten, bruised, and broken… Please, if it takes the last fragment of strength – the last breath of possibility, don’t you dare let those doors close.
There is too much beauty. There is too much possibility. There is too much LOVE still out there. And more importantly, there is too much LOVE still in there… No man, no woman, no individual is worth keeping the wonder you have within from the rest of the world.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Jalaluddin Rumi
? Makeup by: Cynthia Liera
? Photography by: Suit Yourself Productions