Tell Me Again

Tell Me Again
Hey, um, it’s me.
Do You, by chance, remember me?
I’m, uh, I’m back.
Here I am.
I was hoping, maybe, You could be honest with me.
Just tell me, am I, uh, am I beyond repair this time?
Is there any fixing this heart? Your rose?
Could You? Would You?
Please, tell me I haven’t torn
These sweet red petals too far apart.
Tell me their rich color isn’t worn
Beyond the pigment of Your heart.
Tell me I haven’t defiled,
I haven’t completely martyred,
Your amazing work of art
That You’ve tried so hard
To keep from falling apart.
Please, just tell me,
Tell me where to start.
Tell me there’s still hope
For these hopelessly crumbled leaves.
Tell me that You know
How to put an end to this grief,
How to stop these heaves
And somehow gather these shattered pieces,
And maybe even weave
Them into something worth even preconceiving.
Please, just tell me.
Tell me You still believe in me.
Tell me there’s still a chance
For my stem to function.
Tell me this romance
With sin hasn’t resulted in desolate destruction.
That this malfunction
Of my nature’s actions
Isn’t beyond Your construction,
That simply because I stem from Your seed,
I qualify for some exemption.
Please, just tell me.
Tell me of Your redemption.
Tell me I’m not irrational
For thinking these roots
Still have some
Possibility for bearing decent fruit,
That don’t tempt but rebuke
Temptation in its pursuit.
Roots that know when to excuse themselves
and when to refuse
All that’s made to confuse and eventually consume.
Please, just tell me.
Tell me You’ll uproot me.
I don’t know how else to put into words
This sorrow I know sounds so absurd
Because I come and I go and I come back again,
Begging and begging for You to open up Your hand
And cover my mistakes
With grace upon grace
Just so I can stand.
God, just uproot me.
Dig me a new hole, this time even deeper.
Give me a seed that pleases and seizes
The justified and righteous wrath of my Redeemer.
Give me Your word to adore
And continue to pour over Your brand new seed,
Until its beauty overflows and begins to explore
Where roots will grow and finally be born
Into one strong and mighty stem,
That will only tremble and bend,
Not because of any worldly condemnation
But upon the very sound of its Master’s command.
Let Your spirit flood and rush
So insanely wild that leaves will thrust
Out into the open like arms embracing
their Maker’s touch
Until Your hand reaches down and
Your finger whispers a hush,
“Shhh… ” He smiles as He whispers,
“This is My favorite part.
Watch carefully, My Dear. Take a
look at your heart.”
His sweet breath washes over and
as the petals unfold,
Red velvet pours down
In streams of blood so divine,
Only Love is to be found.
Only Love is to be found
In this heart of mine.